The Value of Fathers
Our focus is on the role of father, and developing the strategies for supporting healthy fatherhood.
Most of our outreach is directed at young fathers, folks who become fathers in their teens. These young men have inspired us with countless stories illustrating profound dedication, perseverance through challenging circumstances and consistent support for their children.
Like so many mothers have shown us, fathers can raise, love and nourish their children despite the disadvantages they might start with. But, nobody parents alone and FathersNM provides support and encourages participants to connect with family, with other supports and with responsible friends to help them. Fathering is at its best when done in positive collaboration with mom, whether the parents are together or not.
FathersNM regularly witnesses the low expectations that many have of fathers (particularly young fathers). As segments of our society, mostly unwittingly, reflect pessimistic views of fatherhood they contribute to further father absence. We are engaging service agencies that have little experience, or are challenged in working with men, to provide them an opportunity for learning about unintentional barriers and for strategizing on how to include men more effectively in their work.
Our FUTURE MEN PROJECT was originally developed when staff at a middle school recognized that the struggling girls in their school had access to a number of programs and the boys had no programs. FUTURE MEN PROJECT was first implemented in January 2014. The program was immediately recognized by school-based professionals as having positive impacts.
The FUTURE MEN PROJECT consists of a weekly mentoring group for boys. This intervention happens in small groups of 5 to 10 boys, all of whom have been identified as being at risk due to behavioral or academic challenges. The participants, in grades 5 to 8, are challenged to consider social messages about manhood, their personal aspirations, self perceptions and relationships in order to envision their path into healthy and responsible manhood.
FathersNM works to empower participating fathers and also works to empower agencies and programs to more effectively serve men and dads. Our community outreach promotes awareness of the importance of fatherhood. We deliver trainings and consultation that is directed at supporting other organizations and at moving social policy towards practice that is effective for moms and dads, males and females.
About Fathers New Mexico
Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the positive results of our work.
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